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NEOM’s Futuristic Epitomization of Web 3.0

This paper is a concept generated by Cosdec Alpha for the application of Web 3.0 in the city of NEOM. We believe that NEOM ’s quest to become a new socio-economic for the world can not only be supported but also boosted by the integration of the technologies of Web 3. In this paper, we cover an overview of what the city is and its initiatives. Furthermore, we detail our vision, documented by our Managing Partner – Shreyash Mishra, on what a Web 3.0-enabled economy looks like. Ultimately, we bring together our vision of a Web 3-enabled NEOM in words. Banking on the example of NEOM, this paper is not only a futuristic dive into a world full of possibilities for NEOM but also a primer on how cities of the future can adapt and leverage modern technologies.