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CosDec Labs has been working in the decentralized economy for years. We have launched, scaled and managed numerous projects in the areas of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, blockchain and much more. Our teams are armed with a host of data, research, partnerships and most of all, trust of the community.

We aspired to extend this trust to the masses and we chose to do with a new model, a new identity for the company. It is with great honor and privilege that we announce the evolution of CosDec Labs. It is now a global web 3 consulting & innovation company led by Shreyash Mishra and Rex Pereira of the Shrex Group. Also, the highlight of our new identity is that CosDec Labs will now be called Cosdec Alpha representing our thought leadership and vision for the future of Web 3.0 and the world, as it stands.

We seek to work with our clients, partners and global teams to leverage our domain expertise, networks and research in order to create deeper consumer relationships and higher enterprise value for our clients. Are you read to embrace the future?

Team Cosdec Alpha

Author Team Cosdec Alpha

The Team Behind An Award-Winning, Global Web 3.0 Consulting & Innovation Company.

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